About J & S

A romantic beginning: met at a wedding (he came to California from Schenectady.) 

Ten days later she flew to New York and they have been together ever since…They decided to open their 

business and are now semi-retired but continue to service the general public with furniture repairs 

from their home base in Glens Falls, New York.

In 2002, Jim and Sylvia decided to sell the building that housed their restoration business.   

  serving the general public.

  Jim acquired his knowledge and expertise  in handling, packing and transporting household goods and 

subsequently decided repairing damaged furniture was more to his liking.   

He  has an innate mechanical aptitude which is used to great advantage in looking at problems from all angles.

 Sylvia’s contribution to the business are her administrative and organizational skills.

Her experience includes working as an executive secretary, realtor, residential loan officer, mortgage 

banking, sales manager for a large tract home builder,  and other administrative positions.  

She acquired her business experience while working in the following fields:   aerospace,
wholesale liquor supplier, and trade association, real estate sales, and the construction industries
during the years she lived in Southern California.